Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Break-Teacher Break

So spring break is approaching me and because I am just a long-term teacher- I don't get paid during break! However, I still am excited to get a break and recollect myself. I am also looking forward to finishing my honeymoon scrapbook! It has been collecting dust since September. I also plan to be very productive in other areas; sleeping in, staying up late, reading fiction books, and going out dancing. How's that sound for "recollecting"? :)

Cool Technology

Crayon Physics Deluxe from Petri Purho on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Letters and Notes....

I was this girl's substitute teacher for one day...
This is from a student in third grade. I mentioned to him that I too liked the video game "Halo" -from that point on he trusted me and felt a connection with me...this is his picture of a scene in the game. The picture is actually poster size but I don't have a big enough scanner to scan it.

This is one reason why I get lovely notes like this from my students! Note that she is learning about angles in math....

This letter was written to me after the student misbehaved in my class. I sent him back to his "home" teacher and his teacher had him write me an apology letter. This student is in the fourth grade and his teacher said this is probably his best writing; he took a lot of time on it. I felt so sad for this student and I know that his struggle has just begun...I hope to see this student's progress by the next school year, other wise I am sure he will fall farther behind.