When I first started my GAME plan it was easy to make goals, but harder to accomplish them in a timely manner. I feel like obtaining my goals is not something I can accomplish completely in a school year. My plan is to gradually grow and work on my goals in small ways so I do not feel overwhelmed. My goal that I feel was most accomplished and easy was to have students explore in real-world issues and solving problems using digital tools and resources. I have found that my students relate closer to events and problems that are happening to their age group, in their community, and in their school. I understand that a more world based outlook is important and can provide various learning opportunities, and I plan to incorporate this in the future.
While setting goals for my game plan one important one is to be a life-long learner in the field of education. One way I have accomplished this goal is by signing up for on-line education conferences, subscribing to education resources magazines/journals, and by visiting my colleagues classroom’s for ideas and teaching strategies. In the form of technology, I am able to subscribe to various education blogs from around the world to see what other teachers and students are doing and see how we can learn from each other.
In the area of technology I have found a teacher at my school that is very skilled at integrating technology and has his own website for educators. I plan to visit his classroom during technology integrated lessons and learn all that I can about problems that arise, the student’s reactions/interest level, and how to find technology resources. I plan to continue to refer back to my GAME plan throughout the year and assess myself in my progress. I am sure new goals will arise, and I am excited to one day look back on my plan to see what I have accomplished.