Friday, May 14, 2010

Utilizing Blogs in the Classroom

I am currently teaching in a third grade classroom and would love to start a blog for our classroom. First I would need to find out how many of my students have Internet access at home and would utilize our class blog. I would use the blog as center for information on our class work, special events, homework postings, study guides, class calendar, and photos or videos of what we are doing in third grade. This would be a fun website for students and parents to visit to showcase work, gain access to materials for the class, and find out what we are studying that week. I would show students how to access and use the blog so they could then show their families. I would also encourage students to visit the blog once a week and maybe even give extra tickets to those that left a comment or found any mis-spellings. I could post flash cards for students using our vocabulary words, have crossword puzzles using spelling words, upload a video of the Native American tribe we are learning about, etc. I think my students would love to visit the classroom page because I would also have them be apart of creating it. I would have a blog writer chosen each week to write a short summary of events that happened or interesting facts they learned. I would review this summary and then post it with the student's first name or number as the author. I am not sure if it is too late in the year to set this up (we have 3 weeks remaining). What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your ideas! What a wonderful way to get your students involved with blogging and also using the blog as a teaching resource. Limited school time remaining has left me in the same predicament as you. I was debating playing around with it with my current students in order to evaluate using a blog in my classroom. I believe you should try to use the blog with the students to prepare yourself and your classroom for next year's children. This way you may gain some knowledge about what works and what does not. I look forward to reading any comments you blog about using your blog with your students.
