Wednesday, March 9, 2011

GAME plan Week 1

As a professional educator it is important to continue my education and grow to become the best educator for my students. It is important for teachers to set goals and have a plan on how they will reach those goals. My goals are as follows:     
GAME plan goal #1 :
ISTE: 1.a. Engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. 
GAME plan goal #2:
ISTE: 4.c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsive social interactions related to use of technology and information.
Action Plan
#1 In order to allow my students to solve real world problems I must give them the opportunity to connect with their community and other students from their community and around the world. I know that students work best as a team and I plan to give them more opportunities to work together and become learners through experience, not lecture. Using the Internet I can allow students to connect with students around the world to solve problems together. Programs such as e-pals or Skype can help students connect and share ideas and perspectives from other locations and backgrounds.
#2 In all my course readings one thing about how students learn best has always been told the same; students learn best by teaching and doing. In order to teach students how to use digital etiquette, I will have my students break up into teams-each group with a specialization (plagiarism, chat/email safety, website creditability, etc.). Students will learn about their topic and make a media presentation for the younger grades to teach them how to use digital etiquette. They will have the creativity to create a PowerPoint, video, song, slideshow, etc. to be presented to a classroom of a younger grade.
Monitoring my goals 
#1 In order for students to all stay on the right track I will be monitoring my student’s discussions with others and add suggestions. Students learn best when they are allowed to work creatively and guided instead of told what to do. I will allow my students to follow their instincts and use creativity in solving problems of their community while monitoring them for content and appropriateness. As stated in Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer (2009), the computer programs that students use is not the main focus in integrating technology into education, it is the quality of the conversation that occurs within students. 
#2 I will monitor students’ learning by taking anecdotal notes on discussions and progress being made while students are conducting their research and creating their media project. 
Evaluating my goals
#1 I will be evaluating students’ outcome by the way they solved their problem, worked with others, and the resources they used to reach their conclusion. I will evaluate how the use of technology helped students reach a conclusion and work with others. Did it enhance their learning? Did students use appropriate and safe methods while online? What ways did they use technology to solve their problem?
#2 I will evaluate the final product of each group and review before it is presented to other classrooms. I will evaluate if students were able to find helpful information, correct information, if they were able to present their findings in the media form, and if they will follow their own teachings in the future. 
Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach. (Laureate Education, Inc. Custom ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). NETS for teachers 2008. Retrieved January 13, 2011, from


  1. I really enjoyed reading your posts regarding your game plan. I also picked NETS indicator 1b regarding exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems. I like that you plan to use technologies such as Skype to connect with other schools and communities. That way students will be able to see the world differently and digitally. It is interesting how you interpreted this standard. I read it differently from you. I looked at the standard in the way of how technology can help solve the everyday issues that my students have with music such as reading music. I would like my students to use their reasoning and critical thinking skills in using the technology to help them interpret what they are learning.

  2. You have devise a strategic plan that is going to motivate your students to excel academically. Teachers who knows the importance of teaching relevant information helps students to understand the importance of learning new concepts. Learning should always be fun yet meaningful and your plan with incorporating new technology is going to allow the students an opportunity to use innovative technology to enhance their learning. Teachers today are so fortunate to have so many instructional tools to use in the classroom so our resources are unlimited. Authentic assessments are an excellent way of evaluating if students are mastering content knowledge. I wanted to use Skype as a learning tool in my class but I thought that it would be a charge for the use.

  3. Your post has really enlighten my vision. I like the strategic plan that will help to movitvate the students to excel in the work. This I have to do quite often to remind the students of the importance of learning, especially new concepts. With the vast variety of technological tools, am able to motivate the students but sometime, they get quickly use to them, and new methods or technology have to use. What I do, I just rotate the technologies.

  4. Thank you for all your comments and suggestions. I have not used Skype in my classroom yet, but I don't think their is a charge. At least not when I use it with my friend in my own state it was free. I am not sure about calling a different country. I found a good web page on using Skype in the classroom, as I am sure their are hundreds available: here is one:

  5. I enjoyed reading your game plan. Having students work together to solve authentic problems is a very good way of preparing them to function in the real word. Along with learning the content material, they learn and practice valuable character traits such as, respect, cooperation, responsibility, good team spirit,helpfulness,patience, innovativeness and the like. All of these are very important. As teachers use technology in their authentic instructions, they need to monitor the development of these traits as well.

  6. You have some great ideas for your GAME plan. I had similar goals for my own students as far as collaborating outside of the classroom. I agree with you in talking about students working together. Collaboration is so important and can help students in many ways. Students have to be productive, creative, and ready to accept new ideas when working together. I have found that e-pals works well. Good luck.

  7. Hi Katie,
    You have such nice goals for your game plan. I love your focus on collaboration--this is such a big part of the 21st century workplace and is great planning for all areas of life.
    Skype is usually pretty easy to use for students and can can expand the learning community far beyond the reach of the classroom. This broader audience can provide a very motivating, authentic audience for sharing--a helpful context for developing interpersonal skills.
